Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coming Clean

You guys have sounded so disappointed by the paucity of blog entries that I have decided I will have to let you in on the secret.  I am doing the boys' bathroom, too.

I've had to be a bit imaginative with the photos not to make it too obvious.  But now that I am doing the shared plumbing between the two bathrooms?  Impossible.

So, just so you can remember what it looked like...

It is awfully hard to take a photograph of a small room!

I don't have nearly as many pictures of the destruction of the boys' bathroom.  Sorry, but at the time I was busy trying NOT to photograph it.  Suffice it to say that if was doing something the the girls' bathroom I was doing it to the boys' bathroom, too.

These were from the first week, after I removed the fixtures.

These pictures are from the second weekend, after I had removed the tile and sheetrock and cleared the rubble.

You are looking towards the sink.

Who put a crow bar in the shower?
An interesting detail of the boy's bathroom was the shower pan: lead.

The curb was made of a double layer of brick laid inside the lead shower pan.

Lead is a bit interesting to remove.  You can't break it--far too malleable.  You can cut it, with some effort.  I used tin shears around the drain.  I didn't try melting it.  I'm sure that would have been fun, but it would have caused a real problem downstairs and the fumes would have been unhealthy.  I ended up balling it up as best I could and then doing the he-man thing to move the resulting big, heavy ball outside.  I can attest that crumpling lead does not make it lighter.

One lead meteorite

Well, that is enough for one entry.

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