Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jeremy's New Mattress


I saw that you didn't think much of the soft, lumpy mattresses in Venice, so I took a little time today to replace your mattress with something a little smoother and firmer.

Those are the granite slabs from the tops of the bunny boxes.  Angela helped me move them.  Today was the day we moved the bunnies into your room, and we needed a place to put the tops.  Your mattress is on James' bed so that Joy can't chew it or worse.

We also used the bunny boxes to block the bunnies from getting under the desks.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww...they're so cute! What did Joy think of the move? I'll bet she's not happy about the reduced territory!

    And how's Smudgie handling the move?

    Jeremy likes his mattress...granite adds a touch of class to ANYTHING, doesn't it?
