Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bathtub Termites

The tub was an object lesson how a shape disperses or focuses stresses.

See the hole in the front?  I wore myself out that before deciding I needed to work smarter, not harder.

The tub is cast iron.  Whack it and most of the time you just get a bounce.  Sometimes the bounce even throws your hammer back with most of the energy it started with.  But blows on sharp inside curves force the metal to stretch rather than bend, and cast iron does not have much tensile strength.  As a result you can get a nice crack in just a couple of blows.

Problem solved, and you get amusing pictures of a tub taken apart like a jigsaw puzzle.  I did finish breaking that front piece in half to make the weight manageable.

Start to finish: maybe 30 minutes.


  1. We don't think we'll be taking a bath anytime soon! Wow! (We're very amused at the way that is said in Italian -- wait until our next phone call & we'll do it for you. It's our new favorite Italian word!)

  2. Hmm, we must be either strong or super stupid because when we removed our tub we carried it downstairs in one piece and left it at the curb!
