Monday, February 28, 2011


Kids, ask the Italians about the Vandals.

Last night when I cleaned the house I vacuumed the cushion guts off the sofa and removed the laundry baskets I was using to discourage a furry friend.  I also put a pillow over the hole so it would not be an obvious point of interest.  This is  what greeted me when I got home:

Someone pulled/cut/bit pieces off the pillow and then decided to make a serious burrowing attempt on the sofa.  I have a feeling that the someone fits this description:

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I think that negative reinforcement is called for. I thought about borrowing robo and turning it into a pellet gun with a motion detector, but that seemed too much like work and also I was afraid the perpetrator would chew robo, too, for dessert. Here is my first attempt.

Call me Elmer Fudd.

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